Food is the most unique element in fundamental human needs. It is unique in how complex and interwoven its supply chains are within the food systems. It is so unique in how essential it is for all living things on the planet that we might be able to digitalize how we get our food delivered or appetite controlled. However, as long as we are carbon backboned life, we can never digitalize food and will always be needing food as it is.
Now the future of food is facing with imminent threats. Increasing population and calories demand, finite resources and alarming environmental issues are increasingly threatening our food security. At this crossroads, producing food sustainably has become the uttermost urgent priority and collective responsibility for all inhabitants of this planet.
At this turning point, integrating the element of sustainability to redesign the existing food systems is creating major paradigm shifts. Starting from making existing food systems more sustainable and resilient to creating new innovative ways to produce food, it has created a rapidly transforming landscape with whole new ecosystems.
Among the equally urgent topics such as valorization of food waste streams and achieving more resource-efficient production by optimizing inputs, one area gaining huge momentum is alternative protein industry to bypass the less sustainable animal protein industry.

Cellular Agriculture

Plant-Based Proteins
Cellular agriculture sectors such as cultured meat industry is spearheading with some notable breakthroughs, however it is speculated that it will still take some time, innovations and technologies to reach to commercially ready stage. At the same time, its counterpart, plant-based protein industry is gaining its acceleration and attracting an unprecedented sum of investment and interest from private sector.
Myanmar with its strategic geo-economic position between the two biggest populations on the planet, India and China, has the shortest food-miles to over 3 billion people around it. With its existing resource endowments, upon prospective investment in untapped agri-food related infrastructures, Myanmar could become a strategic location with enormous potentials for supporting industries in new sustainable food systems.